It was a beautiful hot sunny day, this was not an ordinary day at Kaikohe Christian School. On Tuesday the 18th of October year 7-8 students took part in a bike safety program with Gwen, Sam, and Shay, who work for bike ready, to educate children about bike safety. At Kaikohe Christian School. They learned ways to check their bike with a system called A B C D E Q.
This day was an opportunity for young students to grow in confidence in riding a bike and to just get out there and enjoy engaging with others. The purpose of this day was to learn about bike safety and a lot of it was based on riding slowly just in case you have to ride safely while doing something else.
The day started out at 11:30. The yr7-8 were split into two groups; group one went first while the other group went inside to do work. Shay started with putting them from tallest to shortest, then the yr7-8 had to put on a helmet. The women told them what the ABCDEQ was so that the yr7-8 could do that check. The women told yr7-8 to do one lap around the park so that they could get a quick glance at what we could do. The women taught yr7-8 how to ride slowly. The yr7-8 did some relays on the bikes where you had to have a tire around your arm and then throw it over a cone. Then we played floor is lava on the bikes which was all about slow riding.
In conclusion, the day finished off with the women asking yr7-8 a little test, so the women knew we were listening. We answered most of them then the women quoted ''Well done for listening and following instructions we are very happy.'' Then the yr7-8 said thank you for coming to our school.
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